Posted at 1:07 م | | 0 Comments
Dealing with food safety in the home
Posted at 12:56 م | | 0 Comments
Reside nutrients at different rates in different foods, including:
- Proteins: they provide no more than 10 - 15% of the energy necessary for the body and are essential for the growth of body composition and renewal of cells and interfere in the installation of all fluids in the body as blood is essential to the formation fo antibodies to pathogens
- Animal: meat, chicken, fish, milk and milk products and eggs, which are of high nutritional value.
- Vegetarian: cereals and pulses kinds [Homs - beans - lentils - peas - if Bia - Almonds - Nuts - Peanuts ...] which is less nutritional value than the previous
- Sugars: that provide the body with energy and heat to 65%, and is available in grains such as wheat, rice, corn, potatoes, honey, sugar, milk and sweets.
The lead taken in excessive quantities to:
- Obesity
- Decay in the teeth because the bacteria that live on the plaque to convert the sugar to the Sunni acid affects older Vijrabh.
- Yesh asunder mucosa of the stomach and intestines.
- Loss of appetite and thus malnutrition, especially in children.
Deficiency leads to:
- Lack of grease by a large margin because it is digested for energy
- And lead to the demolition of protein for energy
Fat and fatty materials: a second source of energy after the sugars 20-25%
Available in white meat, oil, coconut, nuts, milk, nuts
Vitamins: the body needs in small quantities is necessary for the vitality of the body and protect it from disease and each of the vitamins vitamin a special role of the food must be varied to ensure access to all the vitamins and is available in vegetables, fruits, milk, eggs, meat and fish
- Minerals: help to build the blood and build bones and teeth and all the cells and body fluids also helps cells to perform vital functions such as:
- Digestion and absorption
- Helping nerves to perform its functions and muscle contraction and helps to renew the blood
- Working to regulate the movement of fluids inside and outside the cells and maintain balance in the body solution can
In spite of the importance they do not constitute only a small part of the human body is available in the meat, vegetables and fruits, including calcium, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, chlorine, sodium, sulfur and fluorine.
Water: Water is the most important components of food, which enters in the composition of all the cells of the body and the water will be the bulk of the blood and other body fluids of different adult body contains about 60% of its weight of water and increase this percentage in children.
Water is essential as well as to enable cells to perform vital functions and is essential for digestion and absorption and also to carry the waste and harmful substances resulting from the representation of food to the outside of the body in urine, sweat, and facilitate the exit of feces and water works to regulate body temperature.
Body gets water from the drinking water and other liquids and food.
Dependent needs of the person from the water on several factors including air temperature increase since these requirements in summer as well as on the amount of effort by the body than hard Valmjhod needs of
- Dietary fiber: The fiber is a component of plant foods are not digestible, including cellulose which is plant cell walls, and although they are not regarded as nutrients for the body but are necessary to bowel movement and removing waste and does not melt but is absorbed by water absorption and sources of dietary fiber are cereals full and vegetables, fruits, legumes, potatoes
And other benefits as:
- Help a feeling of fullness, making it useful in weight loss
- Inhibits the absorption of cholesterol found in food and working to maintain its level in the blood
- Reduce the risk of colon cancer cases, but the increase in food hinder the absorption of calcium, iron and zinc.
Factors that affect the nutritional needs:
- Age
- Bw
- Muscle activity
- Weather
- Pregnancy and lactation
Food groups:
- Cereals and pulses
- Vegetables and fruits
- Food of animal source
- Fat with oils
Therefore, balanced diet - integrated - which meet all the needs of the body should contain each type of these food groups:
- Group Food Construction: a rich mainland and the source of animal proteins or vegetable or both
- Group of dietary energy and temperature: the sugars
- Group of stored energy: the fats and oils
- Group Food Prevention: the vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables.
Specifications required in the daily diet:
Its need to extend the body's daily energy, protein and minerals and contains vitamins with adequate dietary fiber. It must therefore be:
- A diverse and balanced as possible and contains at least one of each of these four groups
- Acceptable in terms of appearance, taste and smell
- Easy digestion and absorption
- Commensurate with the prevailing dietary habits and economic situation
- Take into account the cleanliness in all stages of the transport, storage, preparation, preparation and Save.
Posted at 4:48 م | | 0 Comments
Food is a material enter the body through the digestive tract that starts from the mouth and ending slot anus. It is known that the purpose of food is provide the body with the materials needed to supply sufficient energy so that it can perform its functions properly, either digestive functions are chemical changes in food so that food is ready for absorption. The digestion starts from the mouth Vijn food with saliva which converts carbohydrates to sugars and then rushing food to the stomach, where Mara Palmre continue the process of digesting carbohydrates by saliva at the same time classes begin digesting food contact by the secretions of the stomach comes up to the amount of food the whole mass of food Vtendf partly to the intestine undigested passing section called the twelve to be the most important digestive processes in the small intestine due to multiple discharges where the body absorbs the bulk of the outputs of materials and then digested food reaches the large intestine and rectum (waste tank), which ends Palast (anus). Typically, remains solid food in the stomach a period of two to four hours or more (depending on the quality and quantity of food) contrary to the fluids that pass more easily and quickly noted that psychological factors influence effectively improve the process of digestion and not. Here lies the secret to benefit from food fully Valanscherah and vulnerability of food and stay away from disturbing influences are the basis to take advantage of the speed of food and chew properly.
Posted at 3:26 م | | 0 Comments
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