
Known as malnutrition resulting from lack of protein and energy to happen in a broad spectrum of cases of disease caused by lack of protein and energy in food, coupled with injuries from a variety of infectious diseases, particularly those affecting the digestive tract such as diarrhea, which usually affects infants and young children and is known in most grades and Balsgl Alkuacr . Infected person malnutrition protein and energy in the following cases: -- When the food does not contain a sufficient quantity of protein and energy. When there is no benefit or impede absorption of protein and energy. When the body needs more protein and energy intake of the quantity of it because of the rapid growth or disease. It is likely that the lack of energy is more common and the importance of protein deficiency, and usually if the food provides an adequate amount of energy it will contain an adequate protein. Malnutrition is caused by lack of protein and energy were common among children under five years of age. The following six letters shed light on the importance of eating healthy food and how good nutrition and food preparation as well as the most important problems related to malnutrition. Malnutrition :

Key messages

Healthy food is varied balanced diet that contains all the nutrients necessary to ensure the health of the body -- A balanced diet during pregnancy is the starting point for the prevention of malnutrition in

children --

Breastfeeding early in life until the age of two are the best food for children -- Attention to complementary foods by combining the food groups -- Follow the instructions in the preparation of healthy food security for complementary -- Micronutrient deficiencies, food (iron, iodine and vitamin A) lead to some health problems -- : Diseases of malnutrition

Was difficult to foresee diseases of malnutrition in children, and to the fact that the process of nutrition affecting the structure of children's physical, mental and even psychological ... Etc., but, in this report will confine ourselves to talk three diseases, related physical aspect of the child, which


Anemia or anemia, is more disease among children due to malnutrition, was found 45% of children under 5 years of age suffer from anemia and 55% of pregnant women at least 45 years suffer from anemia With regard to anemia among children aged 6 months to 59 months

Short stature --

As the cause, malnutrition, anemia, it also affects the physical growth of children, it was found that the prevalence of short stature due to chronic malnutrition among children less than 5 years, up to 7.7% of the same age

Wasting --

It was found that the rate of wasting among children up to 2.7% of the same age group

Dealing with food safety in the home

Ways to prevent food-borne bacteria

The so-called Transferring the disease through food or mobile infection through food, is known medically. It is known that food poisoning was the cause of suffering among the injured in every sense of the word meaning, and that happens when dealing with one's food or drink when contaminated material containing any number of factors Kjerathim, parasites or viruses, can cause diarrhea, vomiting and fever. These symptoms may result if not treated or attention to the occurrence of drought, and usually a little bit what most people infected after eating contaminated food because of the disease immune system, which is strong enough for the prevention of it, but when they increase the disease-causing bacteria behind secure borders, as a result dealing with food is not clean or resulting from the lack of cooling, leading to the occurrence of food poisoning, and when the immune system is unable because of illness, age or other factors, there is a possibility of food poisoning. * Food contaminated * The animal products, eggs, meat, chicken, shellfish, and unpasteurized milk are the foods most likely to be contaminated, and the raw foods and vegetables are of particular importance because washing removes some of contamination, but does not eliminate the final. Therefore, and for the prevention of food poisoning you must follow food safety procedures and set forth in the Food and Drug Administration FDA, the four simple steps for safe food preparation at home, so as to avoid as much as possible the spread of germs in the kitchen, which may permeate unequivocal surfaces, utensils, sponges and tabletops . Therefore, in order to prevent: 1 Use hot water and soap in operations such as washing and cleaning. Wash your hands with hot water and soap before handling food and after using the bathroom, and when you change diapers, in contact with pets, and to refrain from preparing any of the types of food in the event that a person has diarrhea. Money-wood or plastic surfaces used for cutting, pots, tabletops using warm water and soap after preparing each type of food, before heading to the next food. The use of plastic cutting surfaces or non-porous and must be placed within the surfaces dishwasher or washing with warm water and soap after each use. Reliance on the use of paper towels to clean the surfaces of tables and desks in the kitchen, and when you use cloth towels should be washed after each use. 2 carry out chapter and to prevent the spread of contamination: This topic is true especially when dealing with raw meat and poultry, and seafood, this should keep these foods and their juices away from ready-to-eat foods. Separate location designed to carry meat and poultry and seafood from other foods in the shopping cart in the refrigerator at home. The allocation of as much as possible of the different cutting boards for raw meat products. Always wash your hands and cutting boards, dishes and utensils with hot water and soap after use for cutting and processing of raw meat. Do not place cooked food on a plate which has put fresh raw meat or poultry, or seafood. 3 cooking food to proper temperatures so as to eliminate the harmful bacteria. By following the following: Use a thermometer (thermometer) to measure clean the internal temperature of cooked foods suitable for different kinds of meat and other foods to make sure it has been cooked all the way through. Cook roasts and steaks to at least 145 degrees Fahrenheit (about 63 degrees Celsius). In order to fully mature poultry be cooked to 180 degrees Fahrenheit (82 degrees Celsius), which could spread the bacteria during the preparation of chopped meat (hamburger), therefore, always be cooked at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit (71 degrees Celsius), making sure to maturity entirely from the inside , you must not eat chopped meat, which is still the color of the inside and rosy. Must cook eggs until the yolk and egg white, static, fixed, and not dealt with in the event that the eggs raw or partially cooked. Fish must be «static» and flake easily with a fork. When cooking in a microwave oven must make sure there are no cold spots in the food, so that bacteria can live and breed and for best results, cover food, stir and rotate for even cooking and if there is no revolving dish in the oven, rotate the dish by hand once or twice during the process cooking. When re-heating of sauces, soups and gravies should be heated to boiling point and furans, and other types of food heating and fully to the rank of 165 degrees Fahrenheit (74 degrees C). 4 put food in the refrigerator immediately, so as to cool foods quickly because cold out keep harmful bacteria from growing and breeding, with the seizure of the refrigerator temperature does not exceed four degrees Fahrenheit (about 15.5 degrees Celsius) and is not freeze more than zero degree F (ie, 17.7 degrees Celsius below zero), and can make sure to adjust these grades with the use of a thermometer. Refrigerate or freeze to the fast food spoilage and the resulting residue within two hours. Not to remove the frozen food at room temperature, but it is recommended dissolving the flow of food under cold water or in the microwave or make the process of soaking in the refrigerator. Division of large quantities of residues to a small flat containers for quick cooling in the refrigerator, and fill the refrigerator because the air full radiator must be distributed to keep the food safe.

food & health

Nutrients and food groups:
Reside nutrients at different rates in different foods, including:
- Proteins: they provide no more than 10 - 15% of the energy necessary for the body and are essential for the growth of body composition and renewal of cells and interfere in the installation of all fluids in the body as blood is essential to the formation fo antibodies to pathogens
- Animal: meat, chicken, fish, milk and milk products and eggs, which are of high nutritional value.
- Vegetarian: cereals and pulses kinds [Homs - beans - lentils - peas - if Bia - Almonds - Nuts - Peanuts ...] which is less nutritional value than the previous
- Sugars: that provide the body with energy and heat to 65%, and is available in grains such as wheat, rice, corn, potatoes, honey, sugar, milk and sweets.
The lead taken in excessive quantities to:
- Obesity
- Decay in the teeth because the bacteria that live on the plaque to convert the sugar to the Sunni acid affects older Vijrabh.
- Yesh asunder mucosa of the stomach and intestines.
- Loss of appetite and thus malnutrition, especially in children.
Deficiency leads to:
- Lack of grease by a large margin because it is digested for energy
- And lead to the demolition of protein for energy
Fat and fatty materials: a second source of energy after the sugars 20-25%
Available in white meat, oil, coconut, nuts, milk, nuts
Vitamins: the body needs in small quantities is necessary for the vitality of the body and protect it from disease and each of the vitamins vitamin a special role of the food must be varied to ensure access to all the vitamins and is available in vegetables, fruits, milk, eggs, meat and fish
- Minerals: help to build the blood and build bones and teeth and all the cells and body fluids also helps cells to perform vital functions such as:
- Digestion and absorption
- Helping nerves to perform its functions and muscle contraction and helps to renew the blood
- Working to regulate the movement of fluids inside and outside the cells and maintain balance in the body solution can
In spite of the importance they do not constitute only a small part of the human body is available in the meat, vegetables and fruits, including calcium, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, chlorine, sodium, sulfur and fluorine.
Water: Water is the most important components of food, which enters in the composition of all the cells of the body and the water will be the bulk of the blood and other body fluids of different adult body contains about 60% of its weight of water and increase this percentage in children.
Water is essential as well as to enable cells to perform vital functions and is essential for digestion and absorption and also to carry the waste and harmful substances resulting from the representation of food to the outside of the body in urine, sweat, and facilitate the exit of feces and water works to regulate body temperature.
Body gets water from the drinking water and other liquids and food.
Dependent needs of the person from the water on several factors including air temperature increase since these requirements in summer as well as on the amount of effort by the body than hard Valmjhod needs of
- Dietary fiber: The fiber is a component of plant foods are not digestible, including cellulose which is plant cell walls, and although they are not regarded as nutrients for the body but are necessary to bowel movement and removing waste and does not melt but is absorbed by water absorption and sources of dietary fiber are cereals full and vegetables, fruits, legumes, potatoes
And other benefits as:
- Help a feeling of fullness, making it useful in weight loss
- Inhibits the absorption of cholesterol found in food and working to maintain its level in the blood
- Reduce the risk of colon cancer cases, but the increase in food hinder the absorption of calcium, iron and zinc.
Factors that affect the nutritional needs:
- Age
- Bw
- Muscle activity
- Weather
- Pregnancy and lactation
Food groups:
- Cereals and pulses
- Vegetables and fruits
- Food of animal source
- Fat with oils
Therefore, balanced diet - integrated - which meet all the needs of the body should contain each type of these food groups:
- Group Food Construction: a rich mainland and the source of animal proteins or vegetable or both
- Group of dietary energy and temperature: the sugars
- Group of stored energy: the fats and oils
- Group Food Prevention: the vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables.
Specifications required in the daily diet:
Its need to extend the body's daily energy, protein and minerals and contains vitamins with adequate dietary fiber. It must therefore be:
- A diverse and balanced as possible and contains at least one of each of these four groups
- Acceptable in terms of appearance, taste and smell
- Easy digestion and absorption
- Commensurate with the prevailing dietary habits and economic situation
- Take into account the cleanliness in all stages of the transport, storage, preparation, preparation and Save.

Digestive system

Food is a material enter the body through the digestive tract that starts from the mouth and ending slot anus. It is known that the purpose of food is provide the body with the materials needed to supply sufficient energy so that it can perform its functions properly, either digestive functions are chemical changes in food so that food is ready for absorption. The digestion starts from the mouth Vijn food with saliva which converts carbohydrates to sugars and then rushing food to the stomach, where Mara Palmre continue the process of digesting carbohydrates by saliva at the same time classes begin digesting food contact by the secretions of the stomach comes up to the amount of food the whole mass of food Vtendf partly to the intestine undigested passing section called the twelve to be the most important digestive processes in the small intestine due to multiple discharges where the body absorbs the bulk of the outputs of materials and then digested food reaches the large intestine and rectum (waste tank), which ends Palast (anus). Typically, remains solid food in the stomach a period of two to four hours or more (depending on the quality and quantity of food) contrary to the fluids that pass more easily and quickly noted that psychological factors influence effectively improve the process of digestion and not. Here lies the secret to benefit from food fully Valanscherah and vulnerability of food and stay away from disturbing influences are the basis to take advantage of the speed of food and chew properly.

How is the application and use of dietary recommendations allowed? Dependent needs of the individual nutrients on several factors such as ‮: - ‬ ‮ - ‬ old ‮. ‬ ‮ - ‬ sex ‮. ‬ ‮ - ‬ general health situation of the individual ‮ ‬ physiological status or functional ‮ (‬ such as ‮: - ‬ pregnancy and lactation ‮). ‬ Type of work and a practiced ‮. ‬ the presence of poor eating habits ‮ (‬ such as smoking or drinking alcohol ‮). So much of what ‮ ‬ regard to the situation of the digestive system, ‮ ‬ and efficiency of absorption ‮. ‬ ‮ ‬ ‬ In addition there are external factors or environmental impact on ‮ ‬ identify the needs of food, ‮ ‬ such ‮: - ‬ warm climate or cold ‮ ‬ ‮ ‬ Exposure to hot weather for a long time; ‮ ‬ reduces the movement of the body, ‮ ‬ and his activities in general, ‮ ‬ ‮ ‬ reduces daily requirement of calories, ‮ ‬ but increasingly needs ‮ ‬ of water and salts; to make up ‮ ‬ lose them through sweat ‮. ‬ ‮ ‬ and the people who are sick; ‮ ‬ nutritional elements they need to vary depending on the illness, ‮ ‬ as well as able-bodied athletes differ from healthy people who do not engage in sports ‮ ‬ ‮. ‬ For this ‮ ‬ can be applied to these dietary recommendations are allowed in the following cases ‮ ‬ ‮: - ‬ ‮ - ‬ planning food supplies for groups and different categories, ‮ ‬ such ‮: ‬ school students, ‮ ‬ armed forces and recreational camps, hospital and other groups ‮

Food Pyramid

Dietary recommendations for groups

Vegetable Group: 3-5 servings a day

Fruits: 2-4 servings a day

Milk group: 2-3 servings a day

Meat group: 2-3 servings a day

Bread Group: 6-11 servings a day

?What do we mean food recommendations
Amounts of essential nutrients recommended that the intake per person per day.The tables dietary recommendations issued in 1943 the U.S. National Research Council.The tabulations are made dietary recommendations to be applied only to the healthy person.Include the quantities of all nutrients needed by the person.Decisions can be called foodOr food rations or food standards or food allocations

food & nutrition

The food is the power supply necessary for the body to help him to perform different functions, and each article contains nutrients needed by the human body। Alngvephi eating and digestion and absorption and metabolized in the Aljsmomaintj that m Liberation Taqpallazemp for life and reproduction and maintenance of tissues and production as well as waste disposal। If Dietetics is the science the one who looks at the relationship between food The Aljsk neighborhood


Of the most important pillars of public health as it affects the level of nutrition in individuals have a direct impact on their development Physically and mentally and to adequate scientific and intellectual activity of all organs. Batalli and scientifically proven that the lack of or malnutrition causes general weakness and loss of activity and non - Ability to deliver sound and practical results in many diseases such as anemia and scurvy And pellagra and so on

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